Kunst Kioske


Warmhearted invitation to a very special project that goes beyond institutional exhibition making.

Sebastian Quast and I were collaborating over the last months to create a new site-specific video piece for an abandoned little subway shop. Come and see the result:

Opening: Wed 8th Nov 2023, 18-20h
Visible during subway operational hours: 8.11. – 15.12.2023

Über die Textilie hinaus


Proud to be able to invite you to “Über die Textilie hinaus Vol. 2” ( Beyond the textile)

Maybe for the first time ever I exhibit purely non-video works.
I will show my little “Isles of Exile” – tiny wall hanging tents that are offering you
a way of escapism and shelter.

Opening: Fri 6th Oct, 18-22h
Introduction by Nikolai Vogel
Finissage with coffee and cake: Sun 15th Oct, 14-18h
at Galerie FOE

Thank you for the kind invitation Stefan Wischnewski

“zuwege” exhibition


I happily invite you to our group exhibition “zuwege” in an old farm house “Zahn am Bach” at the lake Chiem (Chiemsee). You will find art in every little corner of the very special building – cows denn, milk room, “Stubn” …

Opening: Fri 15th Sept, 16h – open end
Exhibition: 16th-28th Sept

Albert Bauer – Hannes Borgmeier – Pierre-Yves Delannoy – Heidi Frank – Stefan Holzmair – Anita Kofler – Nicola Kötterl – Rosanna Marie Pondorf – Peter Rappl – René Stiegler – Janina Totzauer – Pauline Weertz – Maxine Weiß

Hochriesstr. 53, Prien am Chiemsee

Ausstellung “Zuwege”


Ich freue mich sehr, euch an den längsten Tagen des Jahres an den Chiemsee entführen zu dürfen.

Am 23.06.2023 starten wir unsere dreiteilige Ausstellungsreihe “Zuwege” mit einem Sommerfest auf dem Bauernhof “Zahn am Bach” in Prien am Chiemsee.

Ganz großartige Künstler*innen, Live-Musik und vieles mehr ist dabei!

Freitag, 23.06.2023
Ab nachmittags bis spät in die Nacht
Bauernhof “Zahn am Bach”