Warm invitation to
at Atelier complex Baumstraße
13 & 14 July 2024,
Guided tours: 15:30h and 18h, meeting point in from of the main antrance
Baumstr. 8b
80469 Munich
Spiel Zeug
UncategorizedWarm invitation to my first show with GEDOK!
GEDOK is the Association of Communities of Women Artists and Art Patrons, Europe’s oldest and largest network for women artists, founded in 1926 by Ida Dehmel.
I am proud to finally be part of it!
𝗦𝗽𝗶𝗲𝗹 𝗭𝗲𝘂𝗴
Opening: Fri 14.06.2024, 18h
Exhibition: 14.06 – 14.07.2024
Städtische Galerie im Fürstengang
Amalienstraße, Neuburg an der Donau
Finissage: Failing System: The End of Patriarchy?
UncategorizedFinissage der Ausstellung „Failing System: The End of Patriarchy?“
Sa., 8. Juni 2024, 18 Uhr
Zur feierlichen Finissage der Ausstellung „Failing System: The End of Patriarchy?“ laden wir alle Interessierten ganz herzlich zu einem besonderen Programm ein, welches das Thema des Feminismus und die Abschaffung des Patriarchats sowohl durch die Kunst als auch wissenschaftlich praktisch aufgreift und angeht.
Wir freuen uns zu Beginn des Abends auf Sandra Bejaranos Performance „Conquer the Moon“, die das menschliche Eingreifen in den weiblichen Körper zu Reproduktionszwecken aufgreift und weitreichend hinterfragt.
Im Anschluss wird der Aktivist und Gründer des „Instituts für kritische Männerforschung“ Christoph May auf drei Themenschwerpunkte eingehen: Männerbünde, Männerphantasien und Kritische Männlichkeit.
In einem Impulsvortrag soll die institutionelle und strukturelle Gewalt von Männerbünden als auch die falschen Mythen von Männerbildern und männlichen Erzählungen seziert und ein Bewusstsein für deren Omnipräsenz in sämtlichen Lebensbereichen geschaffen werden. In einer offenen Fragerunde schaffen wir neue Phantasien, neue Rollenbilder und diverse Drehbücher für eine feministisch gedachte Zukunft.
Der Frauenchor “The Witches of Westend (Female Indie Choir)” wurde 2013 in München von Pola Dobler gegründet und versteht sich als feministisch denkender Chor mit aktivistischen Ambitionen. Das Repertoire reicht von politisch/rebellischen Botschaften, über Sixties und Indiesongs bis hin zu mystischen, textlosen Klangteppichen. Alle Stücke sind eigens arrangiert und teils selbst komponiert und getextet. Die Witches treten regelmäßig mit anderen Musiker*innen und Künstler*innen in Interaktion und setzen sich für Vernetzung und Female Empowerment in der Kulturszene Münchens und darüber hinaus ein. Am 8. Juni kommen sechs Witches of Westend nach Augsburg und besingen zur Finissage das Ende des Patriarchats.
Künstler*innen und die Kurator*innen sind anwesend.
-> Kunstverein Augsburg, Vorderer Lech 20, 86150 Augsburg
Failing System: The End of Patriarchy?
jetztOpening of the exhibition
with performances by Milena Wojhan and Sandra Bejarano
on Saturday, April 13, 6 pm
We cordially invite you and your friends.
Artist Tour
on Wednesday, May 1, 6 pm
The exhibition “Failing System – The End of Patriarchy?” at Kunstverein Augsburg draws attention to the interrelationships between feminism and the patriarchal power structures that still exist globally today.
Ten participating artists from different countries question this system and formulate a multi-layered critique in their contributions:
Sandra Singh, Marina Marković, Sandra Bejarano and Pierre-Yves Delannoy address society’s demands on one’s own body. They work out the supposed value that a person only seems to receive through reproduction. Together, they deconstruct this biopolitical misconception and stir up a socio-political can of worms in the process.
Sophia Süßmilch, Milena Wojhan, Verena Seibt and Thomas Splett make the leap from humans to animals, which stand as mystical figures, intermediate beings and symbols for new forms of life. The animal seems to have understood something that humans do not. In this way, it creates a vision of a possible feminist future.
Zama Cebsile Mwandla and Rosanna Graf work their way deep into a female rage that feeds on trauma and powerlessness. They brutally tear open old wounds in order to display them openly, free of taboos.
The artists approach the boundaries of patriarchal social norms and role expectations from different angles – sometimes in a distanced analytical manner, sometimes very personally. And they show ways to break through them. Will they succeed in raising our awareness of social inequalities and the need for a fairer future? We would all hope so.
curated by
Janina Totzauer, Radmila Krstajić, Magdalena Jooss and Sophie-Charlotte Bombeck
Funded by:
Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts
City of Augsburg
Kunstverein Augsburg
Holbeinhaus, Vorderer Lech 20
Förderpreise / Sponsorship awards
I am more than happy to invite you all the the “Förderpreise der Stadt München 2024”.
Every artist is nominated for her/his complete Œuvre and I am showing a new version of my video installations “Whac-a-human” and “Shoot-the-guts”!
Opening: Fri 15 March 2024, 7 p.m.
Speaker: Councillor David Süß, representing the Lord Mayor
City Director Marek Wiechers, Department of Culture
Award show: Tue 4 May 2024, 7 p.m.
Speaker: City Councillor Prof. Dr Jörg Hoffmann, representing the Lord Mayor
Presentation of the certificate by Head of Cultural Affairs Anton Biebl
At Rathausgalerie Munich!
See you there!
Shapes of Shelter
So happy to invite you to our exhibition
at the Project Room Windhoek
The lovely Maria Mbereshu and I will be presenting an extraordinary collaborative art piece. A exhibition about safe spaces between Namibia and Germany.
Opening: 29th Nov, 18h
Intimate carpet with talks by Hermien Elago, Adriano Visagie and Natache IIlonga.
And a special treatie: the short movie “Scarlet Ribbon” by Naomi Beukes.
6th Dec, 18h
Come over! Have a glass of wine with us!
Celebrate this wonderful project that after one year of planning and organising finally is about to happen!
Kunst Kioske
munichWarmhearted invitation to a very special project that goes beyond institutional exhibition making.
Sebastian Quast and I were collaborating over the last months to create a new site-specific video piece for an abandoned little subway shop. Come and see the result:
Opening: Wed 8th Nov 2023, 18-20h
Visible during subway operational hours: 8.11. – 15.12.2023
DAAD scholarship
the world
I can’t believe it!
Right at the end of this crazy year, I am welcomed into the DAAD family. Thank you for the scholarship, it will be well used in Namibia! (German money flowing back into Namibia sounds like the best thing to do.)
Stay tuned for Maria Mbereshu’s and my project “Shapes of Shelter” in Windhoek.
Starting on the 21st of Nov!
Über die Textilie hinaus
Proud to be able to invite you to “Über die Textilie hinaus Vol. 2” ( Beyond the textile)
Maybe for the first time ever I exhibit purely non-video works.
I will show my little “Isles of Exile” – tiny wall hanging tents that are offering you
a way of escapism and shelter.
Opening: Fri 6th Oct, 18-22h
Introduction by Nikolai Vogel
Finissage with coffee and cake: Sun 15th Oct, 14-18h
at Galerie FOE
Thank you for the kind invitation Stefan Wischnewski
“zuwege” exhibition
jetztI happily invite you to our group exhibition “zuwege” in an old farm house “Zahn am Bach” at the lake Chiem (Chiemsee). You will find art in every little corner of the very special building – cows denn, milk room, “Stubn” …
Opening: Fri 15th Sept, 16h – open end
Exhibition: 16th-28th Sept
Albert Bauer – Hannes Borgmeier – Pierre-Yves Delannoy – Heidi Frank – Stefan Holzmair – Anita Kofler – Nicola Kötterl – Rosanna Marie Pondorf – Peter Rappl – René Stiegler – Janina Totzauer – Pauline Weertz – Maxine Weiß
Hochriesstr. 53, Prien am Chiemsee