ALTER+EGO – Eres Stiftung


The exhibition ALTER + EGO uses artistic positions to illuminate the promises of „human enhancement“ in its various facets and explores the question of how we as ego come to terms with age and transience.

Opening on Wednesday, 29.06.2022, 7 p.m.
You are cordially invited ✨

Exhibition: 30.06-29.10.2022
First guided tour: Thursday, 30.06.2022 at 5 p.m.

Marina Abramović, Mona Ardeleanu, Albrecht Ludwig Berblinger, Julian Billmair, Ulrich Blum, eres/colliders, Sibylle Fendt, Alex Van Gelder, Karl Lagerfeld, Stefan Panhans, Elisa Giardina Papa, Daniel Preisler, Jeremy Shaw, Thomas Silberhorn, Taryn Simon, Superflux, Juergen Teller, Janina Totzauer, Max Weisthoff

More Info!



I happily invite you to the exhibition VASTER THAN EMPIRES AND MORE SLOW

Veronika Dräxler, An Laphan, Janina Totzauer, Lia Wehrs

18-26 June 2022
weekdays 17-20h
weekends 14-20h

Vaster Than Empires and More Slow ist eine multimediale, narrative Ausstellung, deren Titel dem Science-Fiction Roman von Ursula K. Le Guin entstammt. Die dort beschriebene Erkundung eines empfindungsfähigen Planeten steht für die Künstler*innen metaphorisch für die Erfahrung des digitalen Raumes.

Halle 50 Domagk Ateliers
Margarete-Schütte-Lihotzky-Str. 30
80807 Munich



As everyone knows, the KloHäuschen has been hosting its own Biennale since 2012: an international exhibition of contemporary art. Every 2 years. Always in the even years. So far, always when venerable biennials such as Venice, Istanbul or Lyon were not in session. But now, in 2022, many of the colleagues – above all the great Venice Biennale – have suddenly changed their rhythm.
The KloHäuschen is sure: the reason can only be that they finally want to take place
in the same year as the KloHäuschen Biennale!

10 June 2022 . 19h

12 June 2022 . 12h

Opening speech by Ralf Homann
Specials by Athor & Schmidt and Thomas Glatz
Art education with Olaf Probst
Tues. 21 + Tues. 28 June + Fri. 1 July . both at 7 pm
Presentation of the 2nd part of the catalogue & party
Fri. 24 June 2022 . 7 pm

All further dates at Biennale-Infopoint

Thalkirchner Straße / corner Oberländerstraße
81371 Munich